Monday, June 4, 2012

Community Garage Sales

I don't always pick garage sales, but when I do, I pick community garage sales...... Enough with me thinking i'm the most interesting man in the world, though sometimes I surprise myself.  Though this is a true statement, about picking garage sales.
The problem with garage sales is well.... the majority of stuff that you find is house hold junk that people don't want for example:

  • broken or used appliances
  • TVs that they should be just giving away
  • kids toys(will get into that later)
  • clothing(this as well)
  • shitty holiday decor
  • and much much more

Yes, sometimes another mans trash is just that.  On the other hand, some things you should be on the lookout for is:

  • Tools (if that's your sort of thing)
  • Antique toys, or any kind of toy that looks older than you(i'm not a toy guy myself)
  • Vintage Clothes
  • Ashtrays(Most places don't sell them anymore)
  • Bikes
  • Instruments
  • etc
These rules pertain to individual Garage/Yard Sales, things that are listed as "Moving Sale" or "Divorce Sales" can be ripe picks.
A community Garage sale is just that, it's when all the houses in a particular area or neighborhood decide to do a garage sale on the same day.  This kind of changes the basic idea of hunting garages sales, because it kind of turns into a flea market situation.  There is competition, prices are low, and if they are not by the end of the day they will be.  Most people at these garage sales are not seasoned bargainers, so don't take to much advantage, but do keep in mind you can usually get a better price out of most people.
There is a wide array of goods that pop up at these kinds of events, and you better have your walking shoes on because you will be all over the place.  I suggest having a truck and maybe a wagon to walk around with, it can become very annoying trying to make a deal with someone while your holding a handful of antiques in your hands.  I'm not going to give you  a list of things to look for because it would be entirely to long, but that's the best part.  There is no limit to the things you can find by just walking to the next house.
 This is all from one day of picking a community garage sale.  I will list all ebay links as things become available to the public if you are interested in any item you can email me.

From this I would have to say my top pick would be.......
Three antique Pabst Blue Ribbon cans...  I payed $3 a piece for them, the last ebay auction that one of these cans was at sold for $700+..... If I would of know that I would of offered the man more.

If anyone reading this has any tips or knows anyone in the Bay Area that knows how to clean vintage beer cans please shoot me an email.

1 comment:

  1. I love community garage sales too. Its the most effective way to garage sale. -Chris
